S-Max ACC Problem

Big car family

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2019, 12:26

S-Max ACC Problem

Сообщение moto4631 »

Good evening!

I've enabled acc with ucds a few weeks ago at a s-max from 2018.
2.0tdci powershift.
The switch on the steering wheel was swapped, everything worked perfectly according to instructions in ucds-wiki.

now after a few weeks the car has forgotten that it has acc,
the menu is still there and you can enable or disable acc but it does not work anymore.
why can it be that the car has forgotten?
it was nothing changed on the car, no software update or other things.

Thank you for help!


Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2019, 12:26

Re: S-Max ACC Problem

Сообщение moto4631 »

Sorry, i want to say it was a 2016 CMAX, not 2018 !

Сообщения: 69
Зарегистрирован: 01 фев 2018, 23:16

Re: S-Max ACC Problem

Сообщение larsmdk »

Was it born with Pre collision? and you did all info on Wiki?
because then you have issue in modul i will say and error codes also

Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2019, 12:26

Re: S-Max ACC Problem

Сообщение moto4631 »


Yes. Car is born with pre collision :-)
I have everything done how ucds wiki says and acc works fine for a view weeks.

The only thing i dont have done is to drive the calibration way. The precollision sensor also is original. I mean this is enough. Or should i drive with the car in calibration mode?

