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S550 DirectConfig/Update Wizard Flaws/Improvements Reporting

Добавлено: 31 янв 2018, 10:17
Hi there. I reported some issues via e-mail but did not get any reaction, yet. I'd really like to contribute to make the software better but need to know how. :)

Re: S550 DirectConfig/Update Wizard Flaws/Improvements Repor

Добавлено: 16 фев 2018, 09:38
I'd love to get an answer from the developers. :)

Re: S550 DirectConfig/Update Wizard Flaws/Improvements Repor

Добавлено: 16 фев 2018, 20:47
stangster писал(а):I'd love to get an answer from the developers. :)
Any issues or suggestions need to go here:

I am not involved with development of UCDS, but that is where tickets are created and all issues/suggestions are logged.

Re: S550 DirectConfig/Update Wizard Flaws/Improvements Repor

Добавлено: 21 фев 2018, 12:54
Thanks Dan. Looks like I need to date a Russian girl so she can help with translation. :D

Re: S550 DirectConfig/Update Wizard Flaws/Improvements Repor

Добавлено: 26 фев 2018, 06:03