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Ford Edge PAM

Добавлено: 01 апр 2019, 20:16
Maybe someone here can help me here.
I have a 2017 Ford Edge.
When I got my UCDS new, of course I first looked around, what I can do with the UCDS.
When I arrived in the menu update, the drama started ...
I had heard beforehand that one should take care with the updates a bit, because that does not always work 100%.
So I just wanted to look.
But unfortunately I accidentally updated the BCM and the PAM.
At BCM, nothing worked for the first time. But I got that. (It was not the entire update downloaded from the Internet, but only a part of it)
BCM works fine again as before (except start / stop does not work properly).
The PAM does not really work anymore since the update.
My Edge has 12 parking sensors, but in sync only 8 are displayed.
4 rear sensors work. Front sensors almost never work. Only rarely does a signal come. Flank Guard is no longer working and will not be displayed anymore.
At PAM, I also thought only of an incorrectly rehearsed update. Therefore, I have the data once again individually worried and recorded again. Unfortunately without a change.
The config I have also loaded directly from the Etis and written. There, too, without success.

Now I hope that with someone here can help, that my PAM works correctly again.

Re: Ford Edge PAM

Добавлено: 02 апр 2019, 08:59
Just revert your update.
Open the Update Wizard, load from file, navigate to the "UCDS \ Session" folder and select the oldest file for your VIN number - this should be the initial software versions. Then select the PAM, choose the old software version and run update again.
If it still does not work (but it should) also try to redo the Direct Config for the PAM via the ASBuilt, reset all modules and delete the DTCs.
I have found that my car still generates some errors related to the PAM after the above procedure (Autoparking malfunction) but it recovered itself overnight :)

Re: Ford Edge PAM

Добавлено: 07 апр 2019, 09:25
Hi I hed similar problem on Edge. My solution was with ids I recover the modules PMI after all worked fine.
Look like edge is not covered completely unfortunately.Mike