How i can buy credit for udcds cable?

Resolving problems with software and hardware

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 47
Зарегистрирован: 31 янв 2015, 01:31

How i can buy credit for udcds cable?

Сообщение phoenix241 »

Hello, i would like buy credits for ucds cable, i send mp to anatoly and for kroligoff, but i don´t have any answer. Can anyone help me, and send me the instruction for buy more credit for my ucds cable, please?

Thanks for all

Сообщения: 199
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2015, 14:48

Re: How i can buy credit for udcds cable?

Сообщение mikele »

Hi there,

Actually, there is no any specific instruction. Just wait their reply.
They'll answer you ASAP.
