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focus 2015 auto locking

Добавлено: 25 янв 2017, 23:02
hello today i tried to program auto locking on a focus 2015 1/2 1.0 gtdi 125 titanium it was not a succes .
i tried to do it in focus 3 bcmii under security locks it is reading the bcmiii out and i can find and change the parameter but when i load it back i get a error secure acces denied
and when i tried to do it in as built editor the same happend error secure acces denied reading ok write not ok also tried kuga 2 the same and direct config also the same
adaptor :V3 with full license
Rgds steen

Re: focus 2015 auto locking

Добавлено: 26 янв 2017, 12:51
Plase wait new version

Re: focus 2015 auto locking

Добавлено: 26 янв 2017, 19:39
Or use foCCCus, if u have a Focus 3