Update SPRM

Resolving problems with software and hardware

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 38
Зарегистрирован: 21 янв 2017, 23:50

Update SPRM

Сообщение mave1993 »

Hey mates,
any one idea to update an sprm ( 8M5T-19G488-BM ), its an modul with usb, but this is not for playback, BT audiostreaming is not avaible at this device!

I tryed to update it, i changed update files from sound and connect modul to softwarenumber 8M5T-14C350-BV, now the modul will accept the update, its load and load, nothing do, SPRM hangs in update state! after battery reset it worked well, but on old software...

Why they have an USB Port when no update is avaible? Is there way to change firmware on the modul ( with UCDS? ) i dont find bootloader, i think its not avaible.

Any one idea? I founded in FOCUS2 -> VRM one function.. but i think its not to change modul software, only configuration in focus or? if not please correct me :=)

Сообщения: 345
Зарегистрирован: 30 янв 2013, 01:44
Откуда: Czech Republic

Re: Update SPRM

Сообщение zaqik »

mave1993 писал(а):Why they have an USB Port when no update is avaible?
USBport is only on plastic box, not on motherboard in BTmodule

BTmodule with USB: XXXX-19C112-XX (X is alphanumeric)
BTmodule with USB and BTstreaming: XXXX-19C112-XP or XR or higher

Сообщения: 38
Зарегистрирован: 21 янв 2017, 23:50

Re: Update SPRM

Сообщение mave1993 »

Its on Motherboard, i can load updates when i change inside the vbf the softwarenumber, and load my iphone :D
