Adapter losing connection with modules

Resolving problems with software and hardware

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 10 авг 2017, 16:05

Adapter losing connection with modules

Сообщение polfus »

I own a orginal UCDS,
last days i have a problem about reading/writing modules. I'm using adapter for few minutes, im doing some changes, and then it just stops working. On every laptop, also on every car. It can't read any modules or overwrite them, the adapter is in can-mode. There's "Diagnostic error 00x0" in every module. I tried reinstalling software also.
Can you give me a solution for that? Thanks

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Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2013, 11:38

Re: Adapter losing connection with modules

Сообщение kroligoff »

You have 1(one) active credit lvl 1?
For correct work adapter needed all time exist 1 cr lvl 1
